Great Camphor Buy, With Wintergreen and
Eucalyptus Oils
Comfort combines Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oils with
Wintergreen and Camphor in a base of Almond Oil to create a unique and highly
effective muscle and joint formula. Each essential oil used in Comfort is 100%
organic, maximizing the therapeutic benefits for you.
Essential Oil Historical Oil Uses
The soothing and regenerative power of eucalyptus,
camphor, wintergreen and
peppermint is well-documented throughout ancient medical literature.
These oils promote blood flow to the affected region and penetrate deep
into the tissues to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
Comfort combines Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oils with
Wintergreen and Camphor in a base of Almond Oil to create a unique and
highly effective muscle and joint formula. Each essential oil used in
Comfort is 100% organic, maximizing the therapeutic benefits for you.
If you injure yourself by pulling a tendon, bruising
the skin, pulling a muscle, think Comfort. The sooner you can apply the
oil the less potential negative impact from the injury. It creates heat,
so best you cover it at the same time to intensify the action of the oil
into the skin.
This is an important product to keep available for
those urgent needs.
Ingredients: Comfort contains a blend of organic Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, Camphor and
Peppermint oils in a base of Almond oil.
Suggested Usage:
Apply Comfort generously onto affected area.
Massage lightly into skin. Cover to create heat. This is an important product to
keep available for those urgent needs. Don’t leave home without it!
Excellent for muscle
soreness, strains, and bruising of the skin. The sooner you apply Comfort, the
better. It helps address some of the negative effects of the injury because the
heat created by Comfort rushes blood to the area of impact and begins a subtle
yet deep healing process.
Comfort is great to use on
animals for similar applications.
Camphor Essential
Oil Uses:
Use on chest or
under nose for congestion. Comfort is great for bee stings and bug bites. Have a
headache? Apply to temples, sides of neck, back of neck and forehead (even helps
migraines) - If any of your organs are expressing pain, apply Comfort
externally over the pain.
Don’t forget to put some in
your bath for relief from stress and muscle tension.
Comfort Oil, 60 ml,
2 ounces - $24.95

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