Introducing the Amazing TeraHertz Frequency Healing Wand
This is truly a “breakthrough” in natural
healing based on bio resonance frequencies, that literally helps
any and every type of disease and health condition.
However, many people have still not heard of this healing device
that has been
used for some 5 years. It has outstanding results in the field
of health in over 30 different countries and counting.
30 Minutes A Day:

Pain - Helps reduce and often eliminate even severe chronic pain
Detox - Helps remove harmful chemicals and substances from your
Cardiovascular - Helps unclog and soften blood vessels that
could lead to a stroke or heart attack and instantly improves
your circulation and purifies the blood
Immune System - When the body temperature is raised just 1ºC, it
can increase your immune system by up to 5 times using
infrared heat
Energy and Wellbeing - Many literally feel happier and even
giddy after a total body treatment
Restoration - Helps repair damaged cells and makes your healthy
cells more resilient, clearing eight extraordinary vessels in
your body and lymphatics
Anti-aging - Revitalizes your skin, reduces wrinkles
and activates
collagen production
Activates self-repair and invigorates - Helps remove diseased
cells and activates production of stem cells in bone marrow
resulting in self-healing your mitochondria
Libido and Prostate Health - Helps with low sex drive (for men
and women), enlarged prostate, prostatitis and erectile
Expels Cold Energy - Microcirculation enhanced expelling cold
and wet energy. Healing takes place in warm, dry energy (per
Chinese medicine)
Reduces Depression and Stress - Activates emotional cells, calms
down nervous system reducing stress and inducing a feeling of
Increases Metabolism - Which in turn enables the body to
function at 20 to 30 years younger and people notice the
difference after each session
Muscular Issues - Effectively resolves muscular issues, such as
frozen shoulder, sciatic nerve, stiff muscles, knots, tennis
elbow, low back muscle pain, slipped disks, dystonia,
involuntary muscle spasms, trapped
muscles from repetitive
movements and more…
Was Einstein right when he said
"future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies"?
Frequency Wand
for Healing Uses 9 Therapies:
TeraHertz frequencies
Magnetic vibrational frequencies
Quantum energy
Negative ions
Vibrational sound frequencies
Optical quartz frequencies
Selected light frequencies
Warm, soothing air movement therapy
Benefits Of The
TeraHertz Wand
We offer much
more than many “look alike” TeraHertz wands being offered. In
fact, a team of more than 50 people in different
parts of the world over a 10-year period have developed a very
powerful natural healing device known as the Lifewind
TeraHertz Wand. Sometimes referred to as a frequency
wand for healing.

Studies indicate that 30 minutes of
TeraHertz therapy could
the same benefits as receiving:
10 acupuncture treatments
40 massages
10 moxibustion treatments
20 cupping sessions
A typical massage will only penetrate 2 or 3 cm under the skin
and most therapeutic devices used in clinics will reach 6 or 7 cm
penetration. However, the TeraHertz therapy wand with a blowing action will
quickly penetrate 20-30
cm (that’s almost a foot deep) under the skin, softening hard
muscles and
knots and even reaching right to the bones and bone marrow. This produces very deep healing and activates stem cells on a
totally different
level as never seen before in the realm of health care.
How Does It Work And Is It Safe?
Using small doses of infrared frequency and heat, the
TeraHertz Wand vibrates at frequencies that make healthy cells more
resilient. It offers Quantum energy as well as sound, light and
magnetism and quartz high frequencies, thus making it one of the
most potent and safe healing therapies available at this time.
TeraHertz technology using “TeraHertz Waves”, discovered in the
1980’s matches the vibration frequency of human cells. This
therapy helps blood flow with normal healthy cells absorbing the Tera Waves while dormant cells are re-activated. As a result,
damaged cells are repaired, leading to improved healing times in
areas of trauma and leaving the patient feeling energized.
TeraHertz combines Quantum scaler technology and implants energy
into cells with sound, light and magnetism and quartz high
frequencies which are all very healing.
can still penetrate the body, but because of the low
energy, it’s non-ionising and harmless, unlike, for example,
X-rays. TeraHertz
radiation studies have
been conducted and there is no radiation detected from
this natural therapy.
helps treat several problems and has changed many lives for the

Breast cancer stage 4 tumor reduced by 30%.
Pain reduced by 90% in 23 days of TeraHertz treatment.



Fat reduction

After 2 months
of TeraHertz Therapy - Creatine from 7.18 to 4.41. After 2
treatments he was able to urinate three times/day and getting
better as kidneys are being helped to restore. Besides TeraHertz
treatments on his kidneys and spine, he also drank plenty of
TeraHertz charged water.

Severe Osteoporosis
Some conditions responding well to the frequency wand for
healing are:
Helps with macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma
and eye
2. Helpful for all types of skin problems
3. Obesity
4. Digestive problems
5. Fibromyalgia
6. Sore and frozen arthritic
7. Pain of any kind
8. Sciatic nerve inflammation
9. Wrinkles, facial sagging,
skin disorders
Is Also Anti-Aging From The Inside And The Outside

The TeraHertz Wand stimulates stem cells directly in the bone
marrow from the inside and revitalizes the skin and reduces
wrinkles on the outside as it activates collagen production.
Before each daily session of TeraHertz
healing wand therapy, you drink 2 glasses of charged water and
then another 2 glasses afterward for incredible benefits in
addition to the profound effect the therapy will have on your
body. Charging the water gives it back its vitality.
Water sitting in tanks and plastic and copper tubes for hours
becomes lifeless and unstructured or chaotic in structure.
charging the water causes the water to become "structured" and
"linear" which means the water molecules are smaller and can
more easily be assimilated. As we are 70% water the type of
water we drink daily has a noticeable impact on our well being.
What Some of the Budwig Center's Patients Have Experienced
Using the TeraHertz Frequency Wand:
said she was losing a lot of hair and she was getting very
worried. Shortly after using the TeraHertz Frequency Wand
the hair loss stopped and she is growing luxuriant hair again.
reports he no more has scabby skin, dark blood vessels, no more
itchiness or varicose veins. And the pins and needles in his
right hand are greatly reduced.
who had numerous health problems for the last 28 years and was
told he would end up in a wheel chair due to a failed back
operation, reported that after just 15 minutes of TeraHertz
therapy on his back and spine, he says “It is a very pleasant
experience feeling almost like invisible healing hands are doing
their work on you and within 10 minutes I was feeling much more
alert, focused and clear minded, my Lower back which is normally
constantly hurting/aching very painfully was surprisingly,
feeling much better.” Kevin also found his digestion and severe
pain in the rib cage all went away and now for the first time in
10 years he could get a decent night’s sleep.

structure of our blood is often "sticky". and not free flowing
and low on oxygen. Below is a sample of a person's blood
before drinking the TeraHertz charged water and then after. See
how the blood cells now are more uniform and free-flowing from
the energized and structured water?
Before each daily
session of TeraHertz Healing Wand therapy, you drink 2
glasses of charged water and then another 2 glasses afterward
for incredible benefits in addition to the profound effect the
therapy will have on your body. Charging the water gives it back
its vitality. Water sitting in tanks and plastic and copper
tubes for hours becomes lifeless and unstructured or chaotic in
TeraHertz charging the water causes the water to become
"structured" and "linear" which means the water molecules are
smaller and can more easily be assimilated. As we are 70% water
the type of water we drink daily has a noticeable impact on our
well being.
9 In 1 combined therapies with
TeraHertz application
Because the TeraHertz healing wand uses small doses of
infrared frequency and heat, as well as Quantum energy, sound,
light and magnetism and quartz high frequencies,
Personal Classic Frequency Wand - $475.00

Professional Frequency Wand - $1,775.00

Charge And Structure Your Water With TeraHertz Healing
The structure of our blood is often "sticky" and not free
flowing and low on oxygen. Here is a sample of a person’s blood
before drinking the TeraHertz charged water and then after. See
how the blood cells are now more uniform and free flowing from
the energized and structured water.
Dark Field Blood before and after TeraHertz charged
Before each daily session of TeraHertz healing wand therapy, you
drink 2 glasses of charged water and then another 2 glasses
afterward for incredible benefits in addition to the profound
effect the therapy will have on your body. Charging the water
gives it back its vitality. Water sitting in tanks and plastic
and copper tubes for hours becomes lifeless and unstructured or
chaotic in structure.
TeraHertz charging the water causes the
water to become "structured" and "linear" which means the water
molecules are smaller and can more easily be assimilated as you
can see in this diagram. As we are 70% water the type of water
we drink daily has a noticeable impact on our well being.
Some Specs:
Free worldwide delivery
Available in either 110 or 220 voltage depending on your
country's usage
Instructions included
Application Chart
4 lights including far infrared light
100+ trace mineral
guidance light
3 speed and temperature settings
40 min operating time then 10 min cool down
Weighs a little over 2 pounds
(1K) and is 12.5 inches long (32 cm)
1 Year warranty (no claims so far have been made)
If, however you drop it on a hard
surface (like the floor) the optical crystal will crack and it
will stop working. Please use it in a full size bed to prevent
any accidental dropping
Treat Health Problems With The TeraHertz Wand
Once you own the TeraHertz Healing Wand in conjunction with a
healthy diet and regular exercise, you will be able to prevent
and treat any and all types of health problems that come your
Also this device will as help maintain good energy levels,
better, deeper sleep, younger looking skin, deal with even
severe pain, headaches, pneumonia, infections, indigestion, low
libido, erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate, cardiovascular
health, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes …..the list goes on
and on.
Once you own the TeraHertz healing wand in conjunction
with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will be able to
prevent and treat any and all types of health problems that come
your way.
Both models provide excellent healing results. The Classic model
is ideal for personal short-term use. Most people will use it 20
to 40 minutes daily and this model then needs a 10-minute
cooling down time.
In a professional clinical setting, the
therapist may need to treat several patients consecutively and
the Professional model can keep working up to 3 hours without
shut down time. Also, the clinical model is stronger (personal
model is 850 watts and clinical model is 1000 watts), so probably
will give faster results in less time. Also, the quartz crystal
tube in the clinical model is longer and the blue light is
somewhat more intense
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. These products are
not intended to
diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any medical condition. Testimonials
provided here
represent personal experiences and may differ
among individuals.