MindTrac - Emotional Clarity Herbal Formula
Control of Your Mind - MindTrac contains properties similar to its
drug counterparts without harmful chemicals, a convenient and safer natural
Psychiatric drugs are far more dangerous to take than people realize. They
have negative side effects including addiction, and they can produce withdrawal
symptoms that are emotionally and physically distressing or even
The herbs in MindTrac are formulated to support and heal the body naturally in
response to stress. Drugs are used to treat the symptoms, NOT to cure the
If you are
transitioning from drugs to natural healing, we offer "Liver D-Tox Chamae
Formula" to balance the negative extremes in the body with herbs to
cleanse, nourish, stimulate and calm your mind during the chemical
detoxification process. (See Below).
promotes mental clarity with four types of herbs to stimulate, cleanse, calm and
nourish your mind and nerves:
Cleanses: Science continues to show that the mind and body are
connected. Stress creates biochemicals which circulate along with the
blood. Because the liver is already burdened by pollutants, these
"stressful" by-products are less likely to be eliminated
To reduce
the burden on the liver, MindTrac contains three herbs - Sarsaparilla, Dandelion
and Oregon Grape Root - to cleanse the blood and to stimulate liver
Nourishes: A food base of flash dried alfalfa, barley and kamut grasses supplies the body
with essential vitamins and minerals in an all natural form. B vitamins,
chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium and potassium help regular nerve transmission
and muscle response.
Stimulates: St. John's Wort
has been proven in scientific studies to mimic the effects of antidepressant
drugs. It is so effective that we strongly advise against combining this
herb with any antidepressant drugs. To transition safely from prescription
medicine to natural healing, see Chamae Rose below.
contains two additional stimulants, Gotu Kola and Gingko Biloba, to synergize
the St. John's Wort herb! By improving the blood flow and oxygen
circulation to the head, these herbs have been used traditionally to improve
memory, nerve response and mental alertness.
Calms: Scullcap and Valerian are both nervine sedatives and antispasmodics.
Besides their calming natural on the nerves and muscles, these herbs promote
regular and restful sleep. Mullein and Lobelia are antispasmodics as well
as cleansers., They help cleanse the blood by assisting the lymph and
glandular systems.
Remember: There
are serious consequences to using or discontinuing prescription drugs.
Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done slowly and only with
professional guidance.
What our
grateful customers have to say about MindTrac (formerly named ProTrac):
been carrying ProTrac in the Herb Shop for a year. This is a wonderful
product! It's a packed full of herbs for nutrition and calming. It
has helped one lady's hyperactivity, a man with severe tempermental mood swings,
and a customer to quit substance addiction. We call this our Herbal
T. Dawber, Charlotte Harbor, FL
have an 8 year child with Down's Syndrome who is very hyperactive. After
only one week of taking ProTrac, he is noticeably calmer and much more attentive
than before. We are so happy and we are telling friends an family about {ProTrac}."
Name Withheld, TX
being diagnosed with Clinical Depression, I spent 1 1/2 years on antidepressant
medication. It basically ruined my health and relationships with other
people. after deciding the medication was the cause, I quit the drugs and
began the healing process. I start taking ProTrac and it really helped
me. My mind cleared up. I started sleeping at night, and best of
all, I feel like my normal self again." B Pearson, UT
worried mother of a hyperactive 9 year old boy tried ProTrac instead of Ritalin
as the doctor suggested. She could not believe that in only three days he
was calmer, more relaxed and able to focus on daily activities. he's even
sleeping better! She is ecstatic to see his old personality return after
two years of turmoil, and is introducing ProTrac to her friends."
Delightful Foods Inc., Canada
Skullcap, Valerian, Oregon Grape root, Barley grass, Alfalfa, Kamut, St.
John’s Wort, Mullein leaf, Lobelia, Gotu Kola, Gingko Biloba,
Sarsaparilla and Dandelion. All encapsulated products are in a pure 100%
vegetable based capsule. |
Orally: Take up to 2 capsules 3 times a day or as directed by your health
care professional.
For optimum
results: Take 2 capsules 3 times a day. Best if used
Jurassic Green Wheatgrass
Separate usage from other formulas by approximately 30 minutes.
be taken when prescription drugs, such as anti-depressants or Ritalin, are
actually being decreased and eventually eliminated. However, if the
prescription drugs, such as anti-depressants or Ritalin, are not being
decreased in dosages, avoid taking MindTrac. This causes too much
seratonin in the body, which is not healthy.
Remember the key
is balance. If you choose the natural method . . . choose MindTrac.
MindTrac - 100 Vegetarian Caps
- $19.97 
Liver D-Tox Formula, Chamae
The Most Amazing
Undiscovered Herb In the World!
What makes Chamae Rose so amazing?
Well, to begin, it is one of the strongest detoxifiers your body will ever
experience. Its particular action is on the liver, kidneys and
lungs. But unlike other herbal detoxifiers that weaken the body because of
the natural deficiencies that arise from the cleansing process, Chamae Rose miraculously
strengthens the body, providing extra stamina and vigor to all you use it on a
regular basis.
Chamae Rose, botanically known
as Chamaebatiaria millifolium, grows on the eastern slope of the Sierra
Mountains. It's a sparsely populated small shrub that grows no more than a
foot tall. But, at the site of the mineral deposit where we harvest it,
this plant is so thick it forms the ground cover and can get up to three feet
tall. The strong electromagnetic fields produced by the minerals
comprising the deposit have a profound effect on this plant and also its healing
Reported Benefits of Chamae Rose:
Sinus & Allergies: Brings
relief where many traditional sinus and allergy medicines fail. Drying of watery
sinuses can be felt almost immediately. All other symptoms are usually
eliminated within 48 hours, even during pollen season.
Skin Care: The detoxifying
power of Chamae Rose beautifies the skin. The skin becomes much more
supple, improving color, tone, and elasticity. Many women use Chamae Rose daily
for these remarkable benefits.
Lungs & Throat: Chamae
Rose loosens mucus from the upper lungs and throat almost immediately,
making it easier to dispel through coughing. After a few days, its drying action
should completely eliminate mucous build-up. Eliminate mucus-producing
Kidney/Bladder: Chamae
Rose has a strengthening effect on kidney function. It increases the
flow of urination, yet eliminates the necessity for nocturnal bathroom
visits. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidney is the source of all
energy. Perhaps the reason why so many experience increased stamina and
vigor with Chamae Rose is its strengthening effect of the kidneys.
The rare mineral complexes and the
electromagnetic energy fields that surround the soil deposit are at the
foundation of Chamae Rose's unique healing abilities. Chamae
Rose also provides highly therapeutic phytochemicals. Flavonoids; including
quercitin, 3-0-glucoside, 3-0-glycosides, 3-0-rhamnoside, and 3-0 arabinoside;
flavones apigenin and hispidulin along with broad-spectrum polyphenols are
abundant in Chamae Rose. Flavonoids, flavones, and polyphenols are
the most researched plant chemicals in the world today, renowned for their
anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and antioxidant activity. In fact,
it is these phytochemicals that are the active ingredients in pine bark, grape
seed, gingko biloba, and hawthorn flowers; the some most widely sought after
herbs in the world today.
Chamae Rose Extract, 60 ml/2
ounces $29.95 